Sunday, February 26, 2012

Lifetime Movie Network

Can you say water works? Goodness! These Sunday night movies that play on LMN sure get me bawling every time! What i dont understand is, why do i see pregnant women everywhere? Every movie i watch, every other person i see in public and everyone i know seems to be poping up pregnant! All these people that accidently get pregnant, and I cant!! Why cant I get pregnant? We will try for the IUI next month. But if this does not take i think i will give up. I am so saddened by the fact that i am finally with the man that i love; and he loves me back. Its a very healthy marraige and i know we are soul mates; ment to be together for ever. The bible states that husband and wife should bring child into the world; fruit. Why can me and my husband not bring that child? We both want it so dearly. I dont understand why I have children with 2 other men that dont even care about their boys, but now i am with this amazing man and I cant get pregnant. Why cant we do what the bible says to do? I know God has plans for us, but it hurts! I want to share this so badly with the person that i love and the person that truely loves me! I think it is the right thing; although i have been pregnant before i have never ever shared the experiance of the LOVE from husband and wife bringing a child into the world!
I am not giving up yet, although all these mushy movies make me cry. I will continue to pray and continue to ask and accept prayers! Hopefully the IUI next month works; yet i now know not to get my hopes as high as last month!

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